cool sites
click here 4 cool sites!!

14-05-22: finally filled in that empty box on homepage, scrapped the ccs collection page and edited favorites :0
25-02-22: added a few more graphics to cardcaptor sakura graphics and edited about me page!
06-02-22: look its a bday diary entry! (supposed to be on 4th)
12-01-22: new diary entry! school has been so tiring :P had no time 2 update!
02-01-22: new diary entry! happy new year!!
17-12-22: new diary entry!!
14-12-22: transfered site buttons to a seperate page
09-12-22: new fit! i actually rlly likr this one :P outfit journal and minor fixes on homepage
27-11-22: new diary entry!! :D click here + featured page section
18-11-22: new page! (cardcaptor skura collection)
15-11-22: new index! still a wip though :D
new diary entry and outfit entry
new diary entry
commissions page is up! still a little wip but itll be done in no time!! and added a shadow to homepage links so its more visible!
update archive
hello! :D welcome 2 my little site here on the world-wide web!! i use this site as a diary, journal and an overall method of self-expression! have a look around to get to know me a bit more :P but dont forget to leave me a little message in the chat box just to let meknow you passed by! safe travels :D

about the webbunny
diary folder
my first webpage
my 9yo sister's page
random & random 2.0

@mysweetpiano.co (prv)
@flufflepops (main)
@bigfeetsoup (art)
@pufferstars (shop)
email: mysweetpiano.co@gmail.com (please don't spam/troll email me!)
about my sweet piano